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Low tox living for your health and the planet's

While kinesiology is great for working with internal blocks that may be impacting your health, it's also essential to look at what you're exposed to in your external environment. Once you start looking though, it feel overwhelming!


So where do you start? Here are my top 8, in no particular order.


1. This will come as no surprise - reduce plastics in your home, and in particular, your kitchen. Where possible, store food in glass containers, use steel cookware, and don't put plastic containers in the microwave. Please, just don't. Plastics contain a vast range of additives that can leach into food, particularly when these plastics are heated or exposed to sunlight.


2. Avoid cosmetic, personal care and cleaning products that have perfume/fragrance as an ingredient. These often contain phthalates, which are known to be endocrine disruptors.


3. Use eco-friendly cleaning products


4. Try to eat organic where possible, particularly the fruit and veg listed in the "Dirty Dozen" (strawberries, spinach, lettuce, nectarines, apples, grapes, cherries, peaches, pears, capsicum, celery, tomatoes)

Foods with thick skins are generally less likely to be penetrated by pesticides and are part of the "Clean 15" - avocados, corn, pineapple, onions, papaya, peas, asparagus, melon, kiwifruit, cabbage, mushrooms, mangoes, sweet potatoes, watermelon and carrots


5. Invest in a good quality water filter.


6. Choose quality over quantity. Poor quality clothes that become threadbare quickly are materials that easily release microfibres, which can travel vast distances in the air and have even been found in remote parts of national parks. In addition, check if your preferred brands make a conscious effort to use low-toxicity formulations. A wide range of chemicals are added to your clothes during manufacturing, which can then transfer to your skin. 


7. Practice nasal breathing. Not only does nasal breathing support your parasympathetic nervous system, your nose is an natural filter for microplastics and particulates that are frequently found in the air. 


8. Buy less stuff (that you don't use much). Not only do you prevent any potential exposure to toxic compounds by not having it in the first place, you get to reduce your overall footprint. Anything synthetic requires significant resources from the planet, including water and electricity.   



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