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About me


I’m a certified kinesiologist and graduated from the College of Kinesiology in Brisbane in 2021, with the intention of empowering individuals towards holistic well-being. I also have a strong science background and recently completed my PhD, exploring microplastic pollution in conservation areas. This research has fuelled my determination to create a clean and sustainable world.


I firmly believe everything in life is interconnected – physically and metaphysically, and on a micro and macro scale. By using a holistic approach and acknowledging these intricate and complex relationships, we can achieve profound physical, emotional, mental and spiritual transformation.


For me, Integral Kinesiology is a calling to make a lasting impact to the well-being of people, animals, and the environment. Integral Kinesiology’s mission is to nurture harmony in the world, embrace nature, and create a world where sustainability is at the heart of every action.


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